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Dreads can be made as either single or double enders. They will arrive mounted on lace. You may choose a base color and up to 3 accent colors at the base price. Please specify the quantity/colors of specialty dreads you'd like in each fall, if any.
Candy Canes: two colors twisted together - no charge
Blends: hand-mixed colors to create a new color or swirls - no charge
Harlequins: only as double enders: one color on one side of the dread and another color on the other side of the dread. Very handy for matching your hair color and adding wild colors with no visible braids - no charge

Stripes: solid bands of stripes progressing down the length of the dread. only available as single enders - $2 each
Transitions: begins with one color and blends into a 2nd color - $2 each
3rd transition available only on long dreads - $3 each.
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